Sunday, April 6, 2008

Recent Movies

The Number 23


Seriously? That's the most contrived plot I have EVER seen, or at least in the running for that award. The acting wasn't the problem here, Carrey is still doing a good job with more serious roles, but the writings is unintentionally funny. There's also a few plot holes and leaps of logic towards the end that are eyeroll worthy.


I've seen this a few times now, and every time it feels longer and more boring. The overuse of slow motion, the pretentious narration, the cheesy acting, the monotonous battle scenes, *yawn*. I'll hjand this to the movie, it looks pretty cool. But the intense homoerotic undertones of the movie make it hard to take too seriously.


I love Will Ferrel, in just about everything he does. He's just so much fun to watch. However, by now he's starting to wear thin, playing the same idiot manchild in most of his movies. He's shown that he's a great actor and has quite a bit of range, now if he would just USE it more. Overall, this was a funny movie, I liked it, but it's mediocre for Ferrel, who needs a new shtick if he wants to keep being funny.

Ironically, his stuff on Funny Or Die is excellent.
